The Glaser Family

a web site dedicated to the descendants of Louis and Marie Glaser



This website has been started by Lee Ryan, Joel Glaser and Cathy Larson. We are currently soliciting for assistance in creating and maintaining of this site. If you would like to participate in this venture, please contact one of use by phone or e-mail.

Possible ideas discussed for this site so far:

  • Discussion list for Family Reunion planning
  • 2001 Family Reunion planning, scheduling, etc.
  • Photos from the past Family Reunions
  • Web Calendar with all family birthdays and anniversaries
  • E-Mail distribution list
  • Wedding anniversary pages for both Pat and Eleanor and Bob and Patt
  • E-Mail addresses of family members
  • Maybe some information about the brothers, historic photos
  • And anything else of interest to the family


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